B.I.G Bolt Action "Mount Up!"
B.I.G Bolt Action

Saturday 5th October 2024
Welcome to the 2024 Bristol Independent Gaming
B.I.G Bolt Action Mount Up event!
9.30am - Opening and Registration.
10am - First Game.
12.30pm-1pm - Lunch Break.
1pm - Second Game.
3.30pm 15 Minute Break.
3.45pm - Third Game.
6.30pm - Prize Giving.
7.30pm - Venue Closes.
* Times may be subject to change.
This event is expected to be competitive and non-historical (may play blue on blue games). Armies are to be made up of a total of 1250 points using up to two generic platoons from pages 153-154 of the main rulebook. Tank platoons and Theatre Selectors are not allowed.
Armies are to be selected from the, ‘Armies of books’, including those in the Campaign Books. A detailed list of allowed extra units will be available in the Juggernaught Pack. No additional Army PDF’s. No Special Characters. No War Correspondence.
Every Army can have one free civilian 12, man truck! (This cannot be armed!) All infantry and artillery must have allotted space in a transport as per the Tank Platoon rules. Armoured transports are not captured in the same way as normal, instead if they are empty and the enemy is closer you roll a morale test; on rolling a fail they become captured; on rolling a pass they stay in play. Infantry MMG’s cause an automatic pin on attack declaration, only on units it can damage and a subsequent pin if it hits; once per turn per unit.
I would prefer that all models are painted, but this is not a requirement. Models must be WYSIWYG and should resemble what they are supposed to be. For example, weapon upgrades (ie. Panzerfausts) must be modelled in/on the individual models/vehicles. Models should be 28mm in scale, but tanks and vehicles may be slightly larger; if you do have larger vehicles, please contact me to discuss it before the event.
I would suggest using Easy Army builder to build your Army however, I will accept other formats. Your list must be submitted no later than Sunday 15th September 2024. Your list must be emailed to me with your name on it. Lists must be emailed to me at - daniel.mooody@gmail.co.uk Late Army submission may incur a penalty.
For a Win you will score 10 points. For a Draw you will score 5 points. For a Loss you will score 1 point. If you concede at any point in a game, you will score no points. Please record Dice Kills. This will be used for any tie breakers. MISSIONS We will play three different missions taken from the Bolt Action rulebook, however, they may be slightly altered. Any objectives are captured within 3” of objectives.
Each round will be 2 hours and 30 minutes. Regular time checks will be issued through each round. At 10 minutes to go I will issue a warning and after that point no new turns may be started. At the end of the game, I will shout Dice Down! At this point you may finish the dice in play and draw no more.
Each player is expected to arrive at the event with a selection of - D6’s, order dice, dice bag, pin markers, tape measure, template, FAQ (digital or hard copy), errata, rule book and a copy of your list. If you forget any of these items, I may be able to provide spares, but we will also be in a well-stocked gaming shop! Trays are supplied by the venue, but if you wish to bring a display board please do so.
The event will use the errata and FAQ that is valid two weeks before the event. Rules and queries/disputes should be attempted to be resolved between players, but I will be on hand to be called over if necessary. If needed I will give you my ruling on the matter and this will be the final decision. If you believe this to be the wrong decision you may show me evidence of such and discuss the matter with me at the end of the event.
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and the Wooden Spoon. Best Designed Truck - If you wish to go for this prize I would like you to design your civilian truck with either an interesting colour scheme or a painted design for example: a baker’s truck called R C Biscuits! Best Painted and Most Kills will be awarded depending on prize support.
Bristol Independent Gaming (B.I.G) is a well-stocked gaming shop. Food and drinks are available at this venue. Including tea and coffee, which is discounted by 25% if you bring your own reusable cup. Please note that you are not allowed to eat food from other places at the venue.
Getting There - By Car - Parking is available at the front of B.I.G or close by in the surrounding street. By Train - The closest train station to the venue is Parsons Street, but I would recommend instead going to Bristol Temple Meads where taxis and busses are available. By Bus - There is a bus stop 5 minutes away from the venue with a regular service.