BIG YOUTH Warhammer 40K Store Championships

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BIG YOUTH Warhammer 40K Store Championships

Join us at Bristol Independent Gaming for our massive Warhammer 40K Youth Championships on Sunday 29th October
10th Edition Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play Event
Battle Size: Incursion 1000 points- we recommend using the Warhammer 40K app to construct your army
Board Size: 60’’ L x 44’’ W (Incursion 1000 points)
The missions will be Selected from the most recent Chapter Approved: Grand Tournament Mission Pack and announced on the day
There will be three 3 hour rounds on the day
Army Selection: Follow Muster Armies in most recent Chapter Approved: Grand Tournament Mission Pack
Tools of War: Attendees are expected to bring their ARMY, DICE, a TAPE MEASURE all relevant rules publications, the mission deck and TWO physical copies of their army roster (one for the TO, and the other to show their opponents)
Army Construction and Army Lists the armies in such an event should be built as ‘Battle-forged’ as according to the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book and the Incursion or Strike Force guidelines in the most recent Chapter Approved: Grand Tournament Mission Pack. Again we recommend the use of the Warhammer 40K APP to create your army list.
Prizes for this event will come from the Games Workshop Official Organized Play Pack
– A glass trophy for the overall winner
– Cool in-game rewards for participants
– Certificates for the top three players, most sporting player, and for the best-painted army
Please note these times are subject to change so bear this in mind when arranging transport home

This event will be run using the BCP app if you do not have access to a smart phone or tablet on the day please contact the organisers in advance.
Entry fee for this event will be £15 per player payable via Paypal to please state in the notes that you are paying for BIGY40KSC and say who the player is