After thousands of years in the warp, the space hulk Gallowdark has emerged into realspace. The crumbling walls of this colossal derelict hide ancient command systems merged from countless forgotten vessels, offering a trove of secrets to those who can seize control – whether through careful infiltration, or by smashing their way through any obstacles.
Killzone Upgrade: Soulshackle is a scenery upgrade kit for Kill Team, providing additional modular pieces to expand and personalise your Gallowdark terrain set. This detailed kit is themed around breaching through walls and jamming hatchways to claim the space hulk's beating heart, and includes components such as decayed control desks, instrument panels, and breachable walls that can be blown open mid-game. These components were previously only available in the Kill Team: Soulshackle boxed set, and are essential to playing the missions found within the Kill Team: Soulshackle rule book, as well as the Warhammer 40,000 Breaching Operation missions in Arks of Omen: The Lion.
This kit comprises 56 plastic components, with which you can build:
- 15x Killzone: Soulshackle terrain pieces:
– 2x Breach Points without Pillars
– 2x Breach Points with Pillars
– 1x Hololith Dais
– 2x Additional Pillars
– 2x Augur Displays
– 2x Control Lecterns
– 2x Relay Stations
– 2x Hatchway Jammers
The contents of this set are supplied unassembled and unpainted