What's on this week at Bristol Independent Gaming!


Click on the links for more information about each event & to join in the conversation on Facebook!

Every day at BIG we have tables available for you to book and play casual games with friends please take a look at our table bookings for more information!

Tuesday 28th of December 

Bring your latest hobby project along and come be social!
(Free of Charge!)

build paint and play table top wargames at Bristol Independant Gaming

Wednesday 29th of December

Pickup games of the Studio Tomohawk model-agnostic skirmish game!

Our resident Saga enthusiast is away this week but there is nothing to stop you arranging a game of Saga via the Facebook groups!

Pickup games of the bloodiest sport around!
blood bowl board games bristol meetup


Thursday 30th of December

Come embrace the rule of carnage in this group game of
post-apocalyptic diesel-fuelled mayhem!

Play Gaslands Refueled in Bristol

Friday 31st of December

We will be closing early this evening to bring the New Year in at home.  Feel free to book a table for the daytime gaming session and get together with friends for the last time in 2021!


Have a happy and healthy New Years Eve


Saturday 1st of January

 Happy New Year you beauties!
We are closed today for sleeping

Sunday 2nd of January

We are back! 

Book your tables online!